Prince Charles

greasybelly (2003-01-27 13:23:36)
1 replies

Prince Charles is driving his Land Rover to Sandringham to see his mommy. He enters the gate and waves at the guard, just as he pulls onto the driveway he feels a *bump* and a high pitched howling noise. He quickly stops the car and gets out, to his horror he sees one of his mommys Corgis badly chrushed under the wheel of the car.

The poor dog is already dead and Prince Charles does not know what to do. His mommy will be heart broken and she will be very upset with him.

Just then there was a bright flash and *pooof* a beautiful fairy appeared floating infront of him.

"Who are you?" Asked Prince Charles

"I'm your fairy godmother" she replied in a soft voice "I sensed you were in need and am here to grant you any wish you desire".

"Any wish I desire" repeated Prince Charles "What luck! Well as you can see I just ran over one of mommys dogs and she will be most upset. So please, can you bring the doggy back to life?"

The fairy godmother took out her magic wand and walked over to the squashed Corgi and after looking at it for a while she said "It is very errrr, squashed and I'm afraid my fairy magic has its limits you know. Isn't there anything else you desire, another wish i could grant you?"

Prince Charles scratched his head and thought about it for a while "Ah ha" he said "I know what I would like to wish for. Please can you make Camilla as beautiful as Diana was?"

The fairy godmother had a stunned look on her face, she paused for a second,
"well, perhaps I could have another try at the dog"

2003-02-06 08:58:34


ha nice !!

Prince Charles was invited to Cammell Lairds, Birkenhead, by everybody's favorite Ref, Toddy Wood. Toddy walked Prince Charles around the pitch and showed him all the good works that had been completed over the years, and explained the future plans for the club. On his walkabout, Toddy couldn't help noticing that Prince Charles was wearing a foxes hat, presumably to keep out the cold winters chill blowing across the Mersey. Toddy exclaimed to the Heir apparent "Err, sorry to have to ask Charlie lad, but err, what's with the 'at". Prince Charles looked at Toddy and started to give an overview of breakfast with his mummy. Well, he said, whilst eating ones corn flakes this morning, mummy asked where I was going today. I rather excitedly told her I was off to see "Toddy" in Birkenhead, and would return to Buckingham Palace for an evening meal. Birkenhead she retorted, WEAR THE FOX HAT!!!

bad innit!
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